Saturday, April 18, 2015

Bagaimana melakukan ujian kehamilan sendiri. 'Homemade pregnancy test'.

Assalamualaikum & selamat pagi semua.. Selamat berhujung minggu. Pagi2 ni zu terbaca sesusatu yg menarik dlm website Home Remedy Shope, bagaimana nak buat homemade pregnancy test.
Sebelum kewujudan perubatan moden ancient egyption menggunakan pelbagai cara untuk mengesahkan kehamilan mereka. Jom baca artikel, pada yg nak mencuba ingin diingatkan baca sampai habis  yer... keputusan ujian ini tidak 100% tepat dan sesetengah ujian mungkin menyebabkan tindak balas kimia Contoh clorox. Baca sampai habis yer. Selamat mencuba.

Ancient Egyptians had a unique way of testing, if a woman was pregnant or not. Like modern pregnancy testers, they too used a woman’s urine to check, if she is conceiving or not. The Egyptian physicians would pour the woman’s urine on a mixture of grains, if any one of the grains germinated, the result was positive, and if none of the grains germinated, it was negative. This technique was inaccurate and so it did not develop any further. As time went by, scientists came up with many pregnancy determination methods with little success until the late HCG pregnancy strip was invented in 1968 by Margaret Crane. Today, women all around the world can easily check, if they are pregnant or not by using a pregnancy tester which is easily available at the local chemist shop. However, doctors prefer that you get a blood test done to confirm the result.
So, what are the signs of pregnancy? Well missed periods, fatigue, vomiting, swollen feet, tender breasts and food cravings are all symptoms. But, before you raise your hopes and rush to a gynecologist, there are a few homemade pregnancy testers that you can try, using simple items found in your house.

DIY Pregnancy Testers

1. Dandelion Leaves
Cut a few dandelion leaves and put them in a container. Make sure that after you put the leaves in the plastic container, they do not come in contact with the sunlight. Drink plenty of water before the test, so that your bladder is full. Now urinate on the leaves, they should get completely submerged. After 10 minutes, check if there are any red bumps on the leaves. If yes, then the result is positive.
2. Pine Sol
To make pine sol, mix different parts of the pine tree together like cones, twigs and needles in a hard plastic container. Urinate on the mixture and wait for 10 minutes. If the color of the pine sol changes then the result is positive.
3. Bleach
Mix bleach and urine in a cup. If the mixture begins to foam you have some good news to share.
Note- If you choose to use this method, remember to do it out doors as opposed to your bathroom, because the fumes emitted out of bleach can cause problem in breathing.
4. Toothpaste
Mix a spoonful of toothpaste (use a milky white paste) and some urine in a plastic container. If the paste turns blue and frothy, it is because of positive result.
Note- The disadvantage of this method is that there are no guidelines on the amount of urine that one has to use for the test. Besides, there is no defined time limit during which the mixture would turn frothy.
5. Vinegar
Mix a sample of your urine with vinegar in a plastic cup and mix it. While mixing, you may see some bubbles. Do not worry about them; they are not harmful to you. If the color of the mixture changes, it means you are expecting. Alike toothpaste, there are no specifications about how much urine and how much vinegar is required.
6. Wheat and Barley (Egyptian Test)
Pour some urine on the wheat and barley seeds, and see if they germinate. As per the Egyptians, if the wheat grows, you are going to have a baby girl. And if the barley seeds grow, it’s a boy.
7. Sugar
Try this test using your morning urine, as it is more concentrated. In a bowl, add 2 or 3 tablespoons of sugar and urinate on the sugar. If the sugar starts dissolving, then the result is negative. However, formation of clumps indicates a positive result.
8. Mustard Powder
Do this, if you have missed your periods. Fill a bathtub with hot water and add some fresh mustard powder to it. Now soak your body in the water for 15 to 20 minutes. Take a shower with plain water and wait till the next day to see, if your period starts the following day. If it does, then it could be that your period is late due to other reasons. However, if there is no sign of a bloody discharge, chances are that you are expecting a child.
9. Soap
You can use any soap for this test. Simply add urine to a small piece of soap, if froth forms, or if the soap bubbles up, the test is positive.
10. Tuna Juice and Vinegar
Mix ¼ cup of tuna juice and ¼ cup of vinegar in a plastic cup. Now pee in a separate cup and then add your urine to this mixture. After a few minutes, if the color changes to green, then you are pregnant. If the color changes to yellowish-orange, it indicates a negative result.
11. Urine Collection
Collect your urine in a bottle or jar. Make sure you rest the bottle on a flat surface and do not touch it. After 24 hours, if you see a thin white layer on the top of the urine, it is a sign of positive result, which means you are pregnant. If there are no changes, the result is negative.
12. Peroxide and Tylenol Mix
Collect your morning urine in a cup and add peroxide and Tylenol in equal portions to it. If the liquid in the glass turns blue, you are pregnant.
13. Wine Test (Medieval Test)
During the medieval times, woman would mix their urine with wine to confirm, if they were pregnant. If the urine remained clear, the result was negative.
14. Onion Insertion (Greek Test)
This may sound crazy to a modern woman of the 21st century, but this is a method that was used by the ancient Greeks. In those days, the doctor would insert an onion in the woman’s vagina and let it stay there for a night. The next day, if the woman’s breathe smelt of onion, it meant that she is pregnant. The Greeks believed that during pregnancy, a woman’s vagina is more absorbent and so it would suck all the juices of the onion into the bloodstream and that is why, the woman had a foul smell coming from her mouth the following morning.
15. Latch Test
This test goes back to the 1400s. In those days, a woman would place a latch in a bowl and pee on it until it was completely soaked in urine. She would then have the difficult task of waiting for 3 hours to confirm whether she was pregnant or not. After three hours, on removing the latch from the container, if a print appeared at the bottom of the container, the result was positive.
16. Red Cabbage Test
This is more of a gender determination test. Chop half a red cabbage and put it in a pan of hot water. Put it on the stove and let it boil for 10 minutes and then let it cool down. Strain the water in a jar or cup. In another jar or cup, collect a urine sample. Make sure you have equal portions of both. Pour the cabbage water into the jar with the urine sample. If the color remains same, i.e. purple, chances of having a girl are higher, and if it changes to a pink-red color, you are going to have a boy.

Points to Remember

  • Always use your morning urine as a sample because it is less diluted.
  • Be very careful while using products like bleach as the smell is horrific and it could get into your lungs.
  • Don’t depend on the results of the above tests alone. Visit a gynecologist just to make sure.
  • Whichever method you wish to use, always ensure your sample and tester are on a flat surface.
  • Dispose off any plastic container, spoon or anything that you may have used while doing the test.

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